Immortal Guardian
The Review!
By Darkzen
Official Bio
“Psychosomatic” is a product of the extraordinary events of 2020. The result is a truly multi-national record, with guitarist/keyboardist Gabriel Guardian remaining in Las Vegas, vocalist Carlos Zema recording his vocals from his home in Brazil, new drummer Justin Piedimonte joining the band from his hometown in Montreal, Canada, and new bassist Joshua Lopez remaining in IMMORTAL GUARDIAN's native Texas.
The group, founded by Gabriel Guardian, whose uncanny ability to play guitar and keyboard simultaneously has been showcased on MTV's “Amazingness” along with his unique dual-instrument covers of classics by the likes of Iron Maiden, Pantera, and Guns N' Roses have garnered hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube and have been built upon the band's following through multiple self-released EPs before signing with M-Theory Audio for the 2018 release of their first full-length record, “Age of Revolution”. The band has also performed live alongside some of the biggest names in metal, including Judas Priest, Dragonforce, Kamelot, Symphony X, Sonata Arctica, Slayer, Metal Church, Soilwork and Steve Vai, and in countries such as Brazil and Russia, and during high-profile performances at ESPN's X Games, South By Southwest and the Fun Fun Fun Fest.
“Psychosomatic” is the next step in IMMORTAL GUARDIAN’s evolution while still capturing the band’s exhilarating trademark melding of melodic power metal with progressive/shred tendencies
Band: Immortal Guardian
Country: Brazil/México/Canadá/USA
Current Line up
Gabriel Guardian (Guitars/Keyboards)
Carlos Zema (Vocals)
Joshua Lopez (Bass)
Justin Piedimonte (Drums)
Musical Genre: progressive/power metal
Album cover art by Nathalia Suellen (Secret Sphere, Almah, Dark Moor).
Track Listing:
A very technical, progressive entry with a lot of structure and composition, strong chords and the rhythm of the constant and strong drums, very structured and melodic riffs, orchestrations that accompany this first song in an excellent way.
Read Between The Lines
An equally technical beginning - progressive, faster and stronger, brave and forceful riffs, along with those primordial keyboards giving more drama and body to the composition.
We start with a bit of narration from this confinement that afflicts us to date, they start with speed, power / heavy metal, short and high-pitched solos in excellent context!
Phobia (feat. Marcelo Barbosa of Angra)
One of the first collaborations with an excellent entry! Fast, thunderous, strong progressive chords with greater length in time and great keyboard arrangements, a song with a perfect degree of heaviness.
A great neoclassical and technical progressive musical beginning, brief solos and well-billed tempos, speed at times and with wild and exalted Carlos Zema's voice registers.
Self-Isolation instrumental and atmospheric in melancholic acoustic guitar chords
Goodbye To Farewells (feat. Mary Zimmer of Helion Prime)
Excellent ultra structured entry of progressive power metal, varied, where there is a great presence of the keyboards that combine with those progressive chords and with the second collaboration of the vocalist of Helion Prime, Mary Zimmer !! making excellent harsh and brutal voices!
I think we entered the ballad song, with a low and slow sound in the composition and sound, a little more gloomy and dramatic keyboards, as well as the orchestrations.
Find A Reason
A slightly varied beginning to the continuity and energy of the album, with a background sigh accompanied by very unique piano notes, but later a powerful and strong musical assault, orchestrations and only with atmospheres with good development in the composition with greater depth, It is the longest song on the album.
New Day Rising
And to close this great album with a totally more progressive, catchy, melodic and rhythmic song, a stronger and stronger drums, with a recharged double bass drum, hard and fast chords together with the excellent guitar solos, the musical structure is very superb and overwhelming.
My Recomendation
An excellent album released by Immortal Guardian in this time of Pandemic and all the negative that everyone is going through as in the song of "Phobia", the album has a virtuous combination between Power / Heavy Metal and with a super structured Progressive Metal of first level, as all the members show us in all the musical tracks the ability with overwhelming drum rhythms, forceful, solos and fast or varied rhythm riffs up to soft and emotionally moving ballads as with the song "Candlelight", musical influences yes we can say but they have a distinctive stamp and originality.
The Voice
The singer Carlos Zema has an excellent vocal register and range, the voice is excellent for this type of musical style, as well as other greats within Metal such as Timo Kotipelto or Ralf Scheppers, among others! With greater emotional charge, he captivates you and aesthetically his voice enters the song, with power in precise movements such as the riffs and orchestrations of the leader Gabriel Guardiola, and also in the hard and strong voices of our Mary Zimmer! Which is also a unique jewel that gives strength and power to the song.
music: guardian
lyrics: guardian, rivera
is there a way, to run away
from the new world outside?
i scare myself when
i go deeper in my own mind
the lower i go,
my thoughts overthrow
any kind of future hope
these brand new fears
merely a smear under a microscope
how many days do i have before i die?
is it a phobia?
when the truth takes my breath away
is it a phobia?
when i can't sleep when thousands die a day
is it a phobia?
when i know the crystal ball will break
is it a phobia?
when i fear to live another day
i’m not afraid of things that made
me who i am today
life won't be normal,
as long as i'm eternally afraid
it happened so fast, legislation passed
like we've never seen before
anxiety attacks, sanity collapsed
i can’t take this anymore!
how many days do i have before i die?
is it a phobia? is it a phobia!?
is it a phobia? when thousands died today
is it a phobia? crystal ball will break
is it a phobia? when you fear to live
...another day
Immortal Guardian
La Reseña!
Por Darkzen
Bio Official
“Psychosomatic” es producto de los extraordinarios eventos de 2020. El resultado es un disco verdaderamente multinacional, con el guitarrista / teclista Gabriel Guardian permaneciendo en Las Vegas, el vocalista Carlos Zema grabando su voz desde su casa en Brasil, el nuevo baterista Justin Piedimonte uniéndose a la banda desde su ciudad natal en Montreal, Canadá, y el nuevo bajista Joshua Lopez permaneciendo en la Texas natal de IMMORTAL GUARDIAN.
El grupo, fundado por Gabriel Guardian, cuya asombrosa habilidad para tocar la guitarra y el teclado simultáneamente ha sido exhibida en “Amazingness” de MTV junto con sus versiones únicas de clásicos con dos instrumentos de artistas como Iron Maiden, Pantera y Guns N 'Roses. obtuvo cientos de miles de visitas en YouTube y se han basado en el seguimiento de la banda a través de varios EP autoeditados antes de firmar con M-Theory Audio para el lanzamiento en 2018 de su primer disco de larga duración, "Age of Revolution". La banda también se ha presentado en vivo junto a algunos de los nombres más importantes del metal, incluidos Judas Priest, Dragonforce, Kamelot, Symphony X, Sonata Arctica, Slayer, Metal Church, Soilwork y Steve Vai, y en países como Brasil y Rusia, y durante Actuaciones de alto perfil en los X Games de ESPN, South By Southwest y el Fun Fun Fun Fest.
"Psychosomatic" es el siguiente paso en la evolución de IMMORTAL GUARDIAN al tiempo que captura la emocionante fusión de la banda de power metal melódico con tendencias progresivas / trituradoras.
Banda: Immortal Guardian
Pais: Brasil/México/Canadá/USA
Gabriel Guardian (Guitarra/Teclados)
Carlos Zema (Vocal)
Joshua Lopez (Bajo)
Justin Piedimonte (Bateria)
Género Musical: progressive/power metal
Albúm cover art por Nathalia Suellen (Secret Sphere, Almah, Dark Moor).
Track Listing:
Una entrada muy técnica, progresiva con bastante estructura y composición, acordes fuertes y el ritmo de la batería constante y fuerte, riffs muy estructurados y melódicos, orquestaciones que acompañan a esta primera canción de excelente forma.
Read Between The Lines
Un inicio igual de técnico – progresivo, más rápido y fuerte, valientes y contundentes riffs, junto a esos teclados primordiales dando mayor dramatismo y cuerpo a la composición.
Iniciamos con un poco de narración por parte de este encierro que nos aqueja hasta la fecha, arrancan con velocidad, power/heavy metal, solos breves y agudos en excelente contexto!
Phobia (feat. Marcelo Barbosa de Angra)
Una de las primeras colaboraciones con una entrada excelente! Rápida, estruendosa, acordes fuertes progresivos con mayor extensión en tiempo y arreglos de teclados geniales, una canción con un grado de pesadez perfecta.
Un inicio musical neoclásico y técnico progresivo genial, solos breves y con tempos bien facturados, velocidad por momentos y con registros de voz de Carlos Zema salvaje y enaltecido.
Self-Isolation instrumental y atmosférica en acordes de guitarra acústica melancólica
Goodbye To Farewells (feat. Mary Zimmer de Helion Prime)
Excelente entrada ultra estructurada de power metal progresivo, variado, donde hay gran presencia de los teclados que se conjuntan con esos acordes progresivos y con la segunda colaboración de la vocalista de Helion Prime, Mary Zymmer!! haciendo voces duras y brutales excelentes!
Yo creo que entramos en la canción balada, con un sonido bajo y lenta en la composición y sonido, teclados un poco más lúgubres y dramáticos, al igual que las orquestaciones.
Find A Reason
Un inicio un poco variado a la continuidad y energía del albúm, con un suspiro de fondo acompañado de notas de piano muy singular, pero posteriormente un asalto musical potente y fuerte, orquestaciones y solo con atmósferas con buen desarrollo en la composición con mayor profundidad, es la canción más extensa del albúm.
New Day Rising
Y para cerrar este gran albúm con una canción totalmente más progresiva, pegadiza, melódica y rítmica, una batería más recia y fuerte, con doble bombo recargado, acordes duros y veloces junto a los excelentes solos de guitarra, la estructura musical es muy soberbia y contundente.
Mi Recomendación
Un excelente albúm que lanza Immortal Guardian en este tiempo de Pandemia y todo lo negativo que todo el mundo está pasando como en la canción de "Phobia", el album tiene una combinación virtuosa entre Power/Heavy Metal y con un súper estructurado Metal Progresivo de primer nivel, como todos los integrantes nos lo muestran en todas las pistas musicales la habilidad con aplastantes ritmos de batería, contundentes, solos y riffs de ritmo rápido o variado hasta baladas suaves y conmovedoras emocionalmente como con la canción "Candlelight", influencias musicales si podemos decir pero tienen un sello distintivo y originalidad.
La Voz
El cantante Carlos Zema tiene excelente registro vocal y rango, la voz es excelente para este tipo de estilo musical, así como otros grandes dentro del Metal como Timo Kotipelto o Ralf Scheppers, entre otros! Con mayor carga emocional, te cautiva y estéticamente su voz se adentra a la canción, con potencia en movimientos precisos como en los riffs y orquestaciones del líder Gabriel Guardiola, y también en las voces duras y fuertes de nuestra Mary Zimmer! La cual es una joya única también que le imprime fuerza y potencia a la canción.

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