Seize the Fate!
The Review!
By Darkzen
NEMOPHILA's music can be described as a mix of different styles ranging from hard rock to grunge. The group creates sounds straight out of hell that contrast with a sweet and flirtatious aesthetic.
Her intention for them is to display an unpredictable mix in their appearance and way of dressing that combines with a positive heavy metal sound to draw smiles in all corners of the planet.
Band: Nemophila
Country: Japan
Genre: Alternative Metal/Melodic Metalcore
ハラグチサン Bass, Songwriting (tracks 3,6), Lyrics (track 3)
むらたたむ Drums, Songwriting (tracks 4, 11), Lyrics (track 7)
Saki Guitars, Songwriting (track 2), Lyrics (tracks 1, 2, 5, 8-10)
葉月 Guitars, Songwriting (track 8)
Mayu Vocals, Lyrics (tracks 4, 6)
Seize the Fate
Back into the Wild
Rock'n'Roll Is?
Waiting for you
now I here
A Ray Of Light
Soaring to be continued
My Recomendation
It has an explosive, powerful and brutal start, with that battle cry of Mayu! The guitars and drums are devastating! Maintaining the rhythm, melody and alternating between heavy and light changes, in 炎天 ENTEN has an equally heavy start, with that chord line in front, the combination of Mayu's voices gives it that variability and the background voice, with a bit of Japanese instruments in the background! In ZEN the guitars take the lead and Mayu's voice is more fierce! The guitars are powerful in this song keeping all the rhythm on them, SAKI, Hazuki and Haraguchi totally coordinated, those solos and riffs are beast! Marking from the dense part to a little higher and Mayu's voice with total fury! In Back into the Wild those chords and drums enter in a modern and electro and heavy way, a lighter, more melodic song and with more rock! That very cutting riff, in Style, we return to the dense and heavy chords, combining a bit of rap! In which Mayu's voice is light, soft and very clean, in Waiting for you we have a bit of Jpop Rock! Melodic, harmonic and rhythmic, in 徒花 ADABANA almost for the closing of the album, we have heavy, melodic and forceful chords that follow the beat and Mayu's voice, the guitar line is the powerful point of the entire album, the riffs and solos that appear, where the battery increases them and the power of Mayu's voice! And finally with an instrumental closure.
The album is varied, you don't know what style it will have and that hooks you, but if they handle a unique line in those guitar riffs, chords and solos that enhance the songs along with the drums, we have everything from J-rock, core metal, metal alternative pop punk and rap!
Seize the Fate!
La Reseña!
Por Darkzen
La música de NEMOPHILA se puede describir como una mezcla de distintos estilos que van desde el rock duro hasta el grunge. El grupo crea sonidos salidos directamente del averno que contrastan con una estética dulce y coqueta.
Su intención de ellas es hacer gala de una mezcla impredecible en su apariencia y modo de vestir que combine con un sonido heavy metal positivo para dibujar sonrisas en todos los rincones del planeta.
Banda: Nemophila
Pais: Japón
Género: Alternative Metal/Melodic Metalcore
ハラグチサン Bajo, Songwriting (tracks 3,6), Lyrics (track 3)
むらたたむ Batería, Songwriting (tracks 4, 11), Lyrics (track 7)
Saki Guitarra, Songwriting (track 2), Lyrics (tracks 1, 2, 5, 8-10)
葉月 Guitarra, Songwriting (track 8)
Mayu Vocal, Lyrics (tracks 4, 6)
Seize the Fate
Back into the Wild
Rock'n'Roll Is?
Waiting for you
now I here
A Ray Of Light
Soaring to be continued
Mi Recomendación
Tiene un inicio explosivo, potente y brutal, con ese grito de guerra de Mayu! Las guitarras y batería son demoledoras! Manteniendo el ritmo, melodía y alternando entre los cambios pesados y ligeros, en 炎天 ENTEN tiene un arranque igual de pesado, con esa línea de acordes por delante, la combinación de voces de Mayu le da esa variabilidad y la voz de fondo, con un poco de instrumentos japoneses de fondo! En ZEN las guitarras toman la batuta y la voz de Mayu se muestra mas aguerrida! Las guitarras son poderosas en esta canción manteniendo todo el ritmo sobre ellas, SAKI, Hazuki y Haraguchi totalmente coordinadas, esos solos y riffs son bestiales! Marcando desde la parte densa hasta un poco mas agudo y la voz de Mayu con total furia! En Back into the Wild esos acordes y batería entrando de manera moderna y electro y pesada, una canción mas ligera, melodica y con mayor rock! Ese riff muy tajante, en Style, volvemos a los acordes densos y pesados, combinando un poco de rap! El cual la voz de Mayu se muestra ligera, suave y muy limpia, en Waiting for you tenemos un poco de Jpop Rock! Melódico, armónico y rítmico, en 徒花 ADABANA casi para el cierre del albúm, tenemos acordes pesados, melódicos y contundentes que siguen el compás y la voz de Mayu, la línea de guitarras es el punto potente de todo el albúm, los riffs y solos que aparecen, donde la batería los aumenta y la potencia la voz de Mayu! Y finalmente con un cierre instrumental.
El albúm es variado, no sabes que estilo tendrá y eso te engancha, pero si manejan una línea única en esos riffs de guitarra, acordes y solos los que potencian las canciones junto a la batería, tenemos desde J-rock, metal core, metal alternativo pop punk y rap!

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